#Finovate Recap

Team Monit
1 min readOct 9, 2020

Whew!!! Our first FinovateFall is in the books, and what a coming out party for Monit!

Prior to the event, we were thrilled to be selected as one of the demoing companies. We were immediately humbled to see who would be joining us on the “main stage” — several startups and public companies like Q2, Envestnet and Microsoft!

Nevertheless, the Monit team set an audacious goal of securing one of the coveted “Best of Show” awards. And, the team delivered! https://finovate.com/videos/finovatefall-digital-monit/

We enjoyed great conversations with many bankers during and since the event. It’s clear that Monit is striking a chord with forward-looking FIs who are looking for differentiating ways to serve the SMB market and leverage alternative data sources to increase sales efficiency, deepen share of wallet and increase profitability of a core business line.

Related press coverage:

American Banker https://www.americanbanker.com/news/eastern-bank-spinoff-launches-money-management-app-for-small-businesses

Finextra https://www.finextra.com/pressarticle/84069/mobile-financial-management-platform-for-business-monit-makes-debut

PYMNTS https://www.pymnts.com/news/b2b-payments/2020/monit-debuts-platform-for-smb-cash-flow-management/

CPA Practice Advisor https://www.cpapracticeadvisor.com/accounting-audit/news/21153793/monit-launches-mobile-finance-platform-to-give-small-business-owners-more-control-over-finances

